Mini-Read: FREE Poem & Short Story about Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Gr. 4- 6)
As-salamu alaikum,
We thank Allaah Alone for making it possible for DFB to share Mini-Reads with you.
What are Mini-Reads? They will be short stories, poems and articles about scholars - past and present - from Ahul Sunnah wal Jamma' and other topics of interest to Muslim youth inshaa'Allaah.
Mini-Reads stories:
- are short, so kids can read them in 10 - 15 minutes inshaa'Allaah,
- help kids increase their Islamic Knowledge,
- promote and encourage independent reading,
- define key words from each story and show how to pronounce the words,
- are excellent resources for the classroom and home,
- fit easily into Islamic Studies, History, ELA and Language Arts curricula, and
- are FREE!
The first Mini-Read, suitable for grades 4-6 (ages 10 - 12) is about the patience of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal رحمه الله.
Download it here inshaa'Allaah (black and white files).
Check back soon for a Mini-Read about Imam al-Bukhaaree!