Lesson Plan, Novel Study Unit Submission
"Allaah is in aid of His Servant for as long as he is in aid of his brother."
Sahih Muslim
Have you used any of DFB's publications in your class, library or homeschool? Have you written what you believe is an outstanding, beneficial lesson plan or novel study for one of our publications? Do you think your resource can benefit and aid other teachers, parents and educators? If so, submit it to DFB (dreamforwardbooks@proton.me) for consideration. If we select your educational resource, you'll retain the copyright for your work and we will share your resource in our Freebies section for all to benefit from inshaa'Allaah. Plus, you'll receive 10% off your next order!
Submission guidelines:
- The lesson plan or novel study should not contain any idea or concept that opposes the Quran and Sunnah.
- If you use ahadith in your lesson plan or novel study, please verify the ahadith are authentic.
- Please do not include pictures of living creatures in your resource.
- The submission must be organised in the fashion common for lesson plans and novel studies, or the submission should be organised in a way that is easy to follow and understand in shaa' Allaah.
- The submission must be generally free of grammatical, syntactical and typographical errors. Please proofread your lesson plan or novel study carefully before submitting it. Jazakum Allaahu khayra.
- Please include a cover page for your submission that has 1). the name of the lesson 2). the book the submission is for 3). the age/grade level the submission is for and 4). your name or kunya.
- Please include a brief cover letter stating 1). if you are a teacher or homeschooling parent and 2). any qualifications you hold in the field of education. (It is not a must that you hold a qualification in the field of education to be able to submit your lesson plan or novel study).
- When submitting your lesson plan or novel study, please put as the email subject "NOVEL STUDY SUBMISSION" or, if you are submitting a lesson plan, "LESSON PLAN SUBMISSION".
- Please email your submission to dreamforwardbooks@proton.me.
- The editorial staff may request revisions or corrections prior to accepting your submission.